reset password catalyst 4509-R-E via rommon

Siang temen, mau share dan buat catatan juga  buat gue , kalo gue lupa config dan prosedure reset password router atau switch cisco. kebetulan dapetnya switch yang gede nih, yaitu Switch catalyst 4509R.

oke langsung aja bro  :
di switch 4507R, terdapat Catalyst 4000 Supervisor Engine III (module supervisor tugasnya , ya memanage modul modul yang lain , kira2 ada 8 module selain supervisor enginenya sendiri, jadi ini switch gedenya yaa 12 - 13U.

mencoba masuk console , tapi gak tau passwordnya :

c-4006-SUPIII> enable
% Bad secrets

ok kita restart deh, dengan tekan tombol power trus hidupin lagi.

 *                                                        *
 * Welcome to ROM Monitor for WS-X4014 System.            *
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2000, 2001 by Cisco Systems, Inc.   *
 * All rights reserved.                                   *
 *                                                        *

 ROM Monitor Program Version 12.1(10r)EY(1.21)

 Board type 1, Board revision 7
 Swamp FPGA revision 16, Dagobah FPGA revision 43

 Timer interrupt test passed.

 MAC Address  : 00-02-b9-83-af-fe
 IP Address   :
 Netmask      :
 Gateway      :
 TftpServer   : Not set.
 Main Memory  : 256 Mbytes

 ***** The system will autoboot in 5 seconds *****

 Type control-C to prevent autobooting.

!--- At this point, press Ctrl-C.
Tekan Ctrl + C untuk masuk ke rommon mode
pada router biasanya pakai Ctrl + Pause Break

Autoboot cancelled......... please wait!!!
Autoboot cancelled......... please wait!!!
rommon 1 > [interrupt]

rommon 1 > set

rommon 1 > confreg

 Configuration Summary :
 => load ROM after netboot fails
 => console baud: 9600
 => autoboot from: commands specified in 'BOOT' environment variable

 do you wish to change the configuration? y/n [n]:  y
 enable "diagnostic mode"? y/n [n]:  n
 enable "use net in IP bcast address"? y/n [n]:  n
 disable "load ROM after netboot fails"? y/n [n]:  n
 enable "use all zero broadcast"? y/n [n]:  n
 enable "break/abort has effect"? y/n [n]:  n
 enable "ignore system config info"? y/n [n]:  y

 change console baud rate? y/n [n]:  n

 change the boot characteristics? y/n [n]:  n

 Configuration Summary :
 => load ROM after netboot fails
 => ignore system config info
 => console baud: 9600
 => autoboot from: commands specified in 'BOOT' environment variable

 do you wish to save this configuration? y/n [n]:  y
 You must reset or power cycle for new configuration to take effect
rommon 1 >confreg 0x2142
You must reset or power cycle for the new configuration to take effect

rommon 2 > reset

Resetting .......

rommon 3 >

Ok tunggu sampe masuk ke usermode


Switch#configure terminal

Switch(config)#no enable secret

Switch(config)#enable secret cisco (buat enable password baru)
Switch(config)#username cisco password cisco (buat user local baru)

Switch(config)#config-register 0x2102  (untuk mengembalikan ke mode normal)

Issue the configure memory command or the copy startup-config running-config command to copy the NVRAM into memory.
bisa manggil config existing (config sebelumnya dengan command configure memory)

Switch#configure memory
Switch# copy startup-config running-config  //(untuk manggil config yang jalan di NVRAM)
c-4006-SUPIII#write memory
Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 3061 bytes to 1365 bytes[OK]

note : pengalaman abis di rommon mode, router atau switch bootingnya manual , dan router / switch akan masuk ke dalam mode rommon terus. untuk supaya boot nya auto atau normal kembali. mesti di konfigurasi seperti dibawah ini :

Configuration register is 0x2142 (will be 0x2102 at next reload)


c-4006-SUPIII#dir bootflash:  (check bootflashnya)
c-4006-SUPIII#show bootvar (check boot variablenya)

Switchc-4006-SUPIII#Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
c-4006-SUPIIISwitch(config)#no boot system flash bootflash:cat4000-is-mz.121-8a.Ew (sesuaikan nama iosnya)
c-4006-SUPIII(config)#boot system flash bootflash:cat4000-is-mz.121-11b.EW

c-4006-SUPIII#write memory
c-4006-SUPIII#show bootvar
c-4006-SUPIII#reload (check apakah bootnya masih ke rommon atau sudah auto boot ngarah ke iosnya )

ok temen2, cukup sekian, mungkin ini sangat mudah. tapi kalo lupa yaa pusing juga, apalagi salah ngarahin iosnya.


Robma Bayu


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